BIG tree... itty bitty living space.
They say...
It has been three months since we have moved into our new home and six months since my last personal blog post (you might want to read that one before this one- check it out here). There was so much I wanted to write about over the summer while we were living in our Airstream, but just such little time.
The experience of simplifying our life, getting rid of all of our unnecessary things was the best thing that we ever decided to do.
At times I'll run across a friend who follows me on Facebook in public and the first thing they ask is if we are still living in the airstream... unfortunately with the Rhode Island weather, It would have been very hard to continue living in it with the kids during the winter...BUT yes... we are still living small! We were so blessed to be able to find the home that we are living at now. Still unique as the airstream but just much different.
We are now living in a old School house that was built in 1898! and nope...there are NO bedrooms in our home.. "WHAT?" thats the first reaction we get when we tell people.. YES my bed is open to my both my living room and kitchen and we used our creative brains to work out a super awesome bedroom for the kids.
Our floors creek and still have the little holes in the wood from where the school desks use to be, Our walls are even all lined with the old chalk boards. There is history in every single inch of this house and we feel so happy to be able to be a part of that history.
We even still use the chalk boards! Happy belated Thanksgiving by the way!..don't mind our attack dog Kodak! ;)
Less stuff, Less stress, Less expense and More time spent with your family and the opportunity to chase after your Dreams!
Again, I don't hold any judgment against others who have huge homes. I think its wonderful if your happy and it suits your lifestyle. This is what makes my family happy.
I had a bunch of feedback from my last post. It makes me so glad that I was told that I had inspired others. Even if It just sparked something little- it means alot to me. I really enjoy writing these personal blogs, not only because I want my clients to know me a bit better but because its a passion of mine to help others. I want others to understand that they really can go after their dreams with just a little confidence, hard work and sometimes sacrifice. Yes you may have to sacrifice your lifestyle, time even money to go after your heart but i'm telling you from experience its worth it. We thought we were sacrificing our large home, all of our things... in reality it wasn't a sacrifice at all, it was a blessing.
So for those who had messaged me and became a bit inspired... If you don't know me- Im a bit of an honest person so..
Lets talk about the truth....
The number one reason why you are not doing what you love is because your scared. It's scary! more to some than others. Everyone has their own certain particular mindset. Some people have families and friends who are more supportive than others.
Heres one big important piece of advice that I would love to give to you. Don’t let others scare you even more, or make you second guess yourself. Whenever you decide to step out of your comfort zone- everyone.. and I mean everyone..will want to give you their two cents. Others may have good advice, but some will try to talk you out of it. WHY? because they failed once and didn't learn from their failure. They did not have the confidence to continue.
Elbert Hubbard once said...
"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one."
I have a confession, i've failed... many times, but guess what? I'm still here and i'm over it... i'm alive, i'm happy and i'm blessed.
Why should this be a negative word? Think about it....when you fail you challenge yourself! you learn and you become stronger.
So, this goes for all of you dreamers like me. Don't stop dreaming. Start doing what you love even if its just taking one hour away from your work week to do so. Don't know where to start? grab a old fashion pen and paper watch youtube tutorials and take notes. Read some self development books! Get a Audible account and listen to the books while you clean. Instead of music on the way to work check out podcasts! We are so lucky to live in a world with everything we need here right at our finger tips. Its time to take advantage of that!
Another piece of advice, for you parents out there.. You sacrifice alot for your family. I know you do, YOU CAN BE A GOOD PARENT AND STILL FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS. Try not to just classify yourself as JUST "mom" or "dad" You are still YOU. I can tell you for sure, I absolutely love being Mommy with all of my heart... but i'm also Meagan. I know as a Mother its hard to think of yourself and your own goals because you are always thinking of your children's but I've said this before, when you are happy your kids are happy! your happiness matters too! GIVE THE SAME ADVICE TO YOURSELF AS YOU WOULD GIVE TO YOUR CHILDREN... Because you know they are watching and you are a roll model!
I want you guys to know i'm always an email away if you need any uplifting for a confidence boost! I really hope you all enjoy your Holidays and please make sure to spend quality time with your kids and family. I hope that I was able to inspire you even just a little bit to make you a bit more excited for the NEW YEAR!.. remember to write down some Goals! because... like what Larry Elder said.
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”