Observing Light in films, This week: The Walking dead

I dont know about you but last weeks The Walking dead episode has been on my mind all week. In my opinion, it was one of the best episodes in a long time! I ended up rewatching it and noticing some really awesome lighting techniques that they used on set. 

I find myself drifting off on most movies and tv shows when Im drawn to the lighting so I thought, why not make this a fun learning game for my blog?  As you may know if you follow me on facebook I am a Netflix binge watcher. For me, Its a great tool to zone into my shows while editing to help me focus, and I do alot of editing! So here are my thoughts on how they lit up certain scenes! If you think different please feel free to share your comments below! 

I did really love the dramatic lighting in this scene Enid looks so pretty!

OH! and also you can check out these scenes and observe it for yourself on the AMC website

This one was fun to figure out! 


I wanted to write about this lighting set up but I couldnt get great screen shots from watching the show. 


This Sunday while watching the walking dead. Make sure to Observe all the Awesome lighting techniques! The cinematographer for AMC's The Walking Dead - David Boyd is Absolutly Amazing at what he does! 


So what do you think? Did I get the lighting style correct!?  Let me know what you think by commenting below!